vented spleen

blogging internet stupidity

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

qumana review

this review applies to the Qumana 3 beta.

  • stuff i didn't like

it's written in java. java is slow and huge. i doubt the developers will rewrite it for me :) so i'll learn to live with it. Qumana is a great front end to blogger/msn spaces so i can overlook java's glacial performance...

the drop pad. i know this is a big feature point for them but as "text blogger" i have no interest in it. and after reading the FAQ i found out that the drop pad isn't as intuitive as you would think. it didn't work like i thought, so i had to read the FAQ to see if it was covered there. the fact that it doesn't work with msn spaces would limit me to posting images to blogger. thankfully you can hide the drop pad but only after Qumana has fired up.

  • bugs

the only thing i encountered which could be considered a bug is when i clicked on the 'unordered list' button. i couldn't find a way in the "WYSIWYG" tab of getting out of the list. i had to go to the '"view source tab" and do some editing there before going back to the WYSIWYG tab and continuing on.

[later] after writing this blog, i see how to fix the above so it's not a bug.

  • stuff i'd like to see

the ability to turn off the drop pad completely.
- when you click on "publish post" i'd like to see some kind of  indication verbose of what's happening.  right now i sometimes see a "publishing" circle thingy
- the ability to see comments (or maybe a button to get to comments directly) for a particular post.

other than that i'm pretty happy with it. and because it's a Canadian company i'll continue to support it with the "powered by" tag at the end.

Powered by Qumana


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