vented spleen

blogging internet stupidity

Sunday, May 21, 2006

bono's ego

sidenote for you kids that aren't getting the education you deserve. africa is a continent. there are 54 countries IN africa.

but i'll tell you what kids, africa isn't NEARLY large enough to hold bono's ego.

he wants africa to cure malaria or something. i realize he thinks of himself as one of the most influential people that ever lived, but does he really think he can get all 54 countries, of which i'm guessing only 1 or 2 ever heard of him, to rally around and fix the malaria problem. a problem, apparently that has gotten bigger than poverty, aids, and war.

i COULD be out of line here. if bono has set his sights on a smaller project than world peace, and decided to fix the african malaria problem then he IS making progress.

so i'm a little confused... i'm... "i'm mystified by the man". insert big ole snrk here.

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