vented spleen

blogging internet stupidity

Friday, December 01, 2006

multi blogging tools

i had to give up on qumana. i haven't actually tested it under windows now that i've upgrade my blogger account to blogger beta. but i'm just going to assume it broke qumana..

on the other hand, the performancing extension for firefox works on ubuntu for both blogger beta and msn live spaces (or whatever they're calling it this week).

also even if qumana DID run under linux, the java install would probably change my mind about using it.

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freeguide again

i mentioned a while back that i accidently got freeguide working.

i thought i would try the same process to get a version running under ubuntu.

no such luck. you need xmltv installed. you can get that through the package manager. you need java installed. you can get that through the package manager also.

and then you install the freeguide .deb file.

it should work, but a few hundred java errors come up.

i dunno. how about using a real language, so all i have to do is ./configure , make, and then make install.

i can't imagine how the freeguide code is easy to maintain.

i also can't express how much i think java sucks. it's quite possibly the suckingest thing that ever sucked...

oh, and it's slow and bloated too. snrk.

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